en equilibrio

Cristina Avello & Stefano Bonacci

14.04.2018 – 02.06.2018

Cristina Avello & Stefano Bonacci. Two multidisciplinary artists whose common point is the search for balance, understood as the harmonic point that dictates the moment in which the work is finished, in which its elements have a precise position in space and a reason to occupy it.
Their creations do not recognize a beginning or an end, they reflect a specific moment, without forgetting that this moment will change and when this happens, it will have to be reconsidered.
Cristina Avello works from the inside the search of the state that restores the order in the discreet chaos of life. She explores her position before the world and establishes her home wherever she goes. Her absolutely feminine approach brings her closer to nature, to the intuitive and the spontaneous, to the protective and regenerative, to the energy and strength that are born from the deepest and more ancient of the human being.
For his part, Stefano Bonacci proposes a more pragmatic and observant approach, from the outside to the inside trying to explain with rules, sometimes logical and sometimes aesthetic, that controlled chaos.
The result of his works can be considered as a synthesis on the masculine / feminine duality. Different realities, different sensibilities that result in different ways of achieving balance, always necessary for both.

Horario puente de mayo / May long weekend schedule
Horario puente de mayo CERRADO Del 1 al 6 de mayo, ambos incluidos May long weekend schedule CLOSED From May 1 to May 6, both included